What is Lipolysis, and How Does It Work?
Lipolysis is a non-surgical, FDA-cleared treatment that can help you reduce the appearance of cellulite on your thighs and buttocks by up to 68%. Lipolysis works by cooling fat cells below their freezing point. Once frozen, they rupture and release triglycerides into the body, where they are removed through the liver naturally. With Lipo, results can last up to 18 months. Lipolysis is performed in our office under the supervision of a medical doctor or nurse practitioner who will administer numbing medication before treatment begins. Lipolysis has very little downtime associated with it, and some patients report feeling soreness after their first Lipo session, but this typically goes away quickly. Lipo treatments sessions typically take between 30 to 60 minutes, and patients can resume normal activities immediately after treatment.
Pros and Cons of Lipolysis
• Lipolysis treatments are much less invasive than liposuction, so recovery times are minimal, and side effects do not last long.
• LPG treatments are also great for contouring your body by focusing on specific areas to remove stubborn pockets of fat that cannot be removed by Lipo alone.
• LPG treatments work best on areas such as the stomach, thighs, and buttocks but can also be used to treat other parts of your body if you have stubborn pockets of fat that will not respond well to dieting or exercise alone.
• If you have large quantities of excess fat that need removal, lipolysis may be ineffective at removing all of the fat.
• Lypolysis is also only effective on certain areas, so if you have excess skin or cellulite, it will not help remove this either.
• LPG treatments are quite expensive, and insurance companies do not cover cosmetic procedures for weight loss.
Who Can't Do The Lipolysis Treatment
Lipolysis is often not recommended for significantly overweight patients as the LPG cannot remove large amounts of fat. Lipolysis may also be contraindicated if you have a pacemaker, aneurysm clips, or other cardiac devices implanted in your body. Lipo treatments should only be done by a licensed LPG technician. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under 18, Lypolysis is not recommended and should be discussed with your LPG technician.
Pre and Post Treatment Care
Before LPG treatments, you should avoid caffeine for at least 12 hours before your appointment. You will also need to stop taking aspirin or any blood-thinning medications up to one week prior and avoid vitamin E and fish oil supplements two weeks before the treatment.
Lipolysis is an excellent procedure to remove excess fat from just about any area of your body at Nulook Medspa in Toronto. Call us today to make an appointment!